List of people | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Familysort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Alfred Ernest Glover 1887 Male
G M Goddard Female
J Goddard Male
Alfred Trevor Godfrey 1912 1942 Male
Constance Nora Irene Godfrey Mellor 1912 1977 Female
William Goldenberg Male
Beryl Goldenberg 1925 Female
Hugh Goldie 1912 1969 Male
Konrad Hans Traugott Goll 1947 Male
W C Gomershall 1895 Male
Henry Hessey Johnston Gompertz 1867 1930 Male
Ugo Gonella 1891 1952 Male
Sister St. Stanislaus of Kostka Germaine Gonthier 1945 Male
Nicholas Goodban 1941 Male
Mary Hope Goodban Simpson 1912 2002 Female
Edward Wallace Goodlake 1830 1890 Male
James Edward Clifford Goodrich 1851 1925 Male
Charles Henry Goodwin 1899 1944 Male
Frank Goodwin Male
Ralph Burton Goodwin 1902 1994 Male
Alexander Herman Adam Gordon 1836 1893 Male
Amelia Flemming Gordon Female
Gordon Male
Randy Randall Thomas Gordon-Duff 1904 1942 Male
Eddie / BAAG codename "Phoenix" Eduardo Liberato Gosano 1914 2010 Male
