Gwulo: Old Hong Kong


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I hope you'll join in too, and share your questions and knowledge with us. Most pages let you leave a comment, it's easy to upload a photo, and the Forum is waiting for you to post a new message.

Finally, if you're interested in Hong Kong history, please stay in touch by signing up for Gwulo's free weekly newsletter.

Kind regards,


PS 'Gwu lo' is roughly how '古老' sounds in Cantonese. It means 'ancient' or 'old-fashioned'.

New on Gwulo: 2022, week 11

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...




Hong Kong island


New Territories



New on Gwulo: 2022, week 10

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...




Klaus has discovered that the Star Theatre in TST was created by disassembling the old Victoria Theatre on Hong Kong island, transporting it across the harbour, and re-building it in TST. As he notes, once you know the story the similarities between the two buildings are clear to see:

1919 Victoria Theatre
1919 Victoria Theatre, by eternal1966c1


1920s Star Theatre
1920s Star Theatre, by Moddsey

Hong Kong island





New on Gwulo: 2022, week 9

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...




Hong Kong island


Islands & New Territories



New on Gwulo: 2022, week 8

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...


  • Readers' memories:
  • Readers are looking for any information about:
  • Men's hairstyles, 1890-1900
  • Upgrade update: I've spent the last week investigating bugs - the fix for a bug might be a few seconds edit, but finding out which line of code to edit can take several days! e.g. over the weekend I was trying to work out why certain pages don't appear in the search results on the new site. I've tracked it down to some pages having a slightly 'odd' configuration, as a result of coming from the older version of the software. I've worked out the fix, so the next job is to report that back to the project that builds the Drupal software we use to run the website. Much like Gwulo, Drupal is an open-source project, relying on volunteers to share what they know and make the project better for all.
    I'll continue working on the search this week. It already has improvements over the current search, but I hope I can also find ways to add in more of the new features you've asked for.



Hong Kong island


Islands & New Territories



New on Gwulo: 2022, week 7

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...




Hong Kong island


New Territories




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