Gwulo: Old Hong Kong


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I hope you'll join in too, and share your questions and knowledge with us. Most pages let you leave a comment, it's easy to upload a photo, and the Forum is waiting for you to post a new message.

Finally, if you're interested in Hong Kong history, please stay in touch by signing up for Gwulo's free weekly newsletter.

Kind regards,


PS 'Gwu lo' is roughly how '古老' sounds in Cantonese. It means 'ancient' or 'old-fashioned'.

New on Gwulo: 2022, week 3

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...



Places on Hong Kong Island




New on Gwulo: 2022, week 2

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...







New on Gwulo: 2022, week 1

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...







New on Gwulo: 2021, week 52

Happy New Year! Before we turn our thoughts to the year ahead, and hopes that the next 12 months see Covid under control, here's a look at what was added to Gwulo in the last week of 2021...







New on Gwulo: 2021, week 51

Our Christmas began with Gwulo hitting the airwaves, courtesy of an invitation from Annemarie Evans to take part in the extended edition of her Hong Kong Heritage show that was broadcast on Christmas morning. If you listen to the recording, you'll hear Annemarie talking with her guests about ...


After breakfast we turned to our own Christmas tree - time to open a present or two!

For the last few weeks I'd received regular orders to STAY OUT OF MY ROOM while my younger daughter worked on my present. I had no idea what to expect, and got a happy surprise when I unwrapped these:

A Christmas gift for the delivery boy


The cloth bags I use when I deliver books to the Post Office and local bookstores are falling apart, so I am now the proud owner of two new sturdy and personalised canvas bags.

We're still on holiday today - with Boxing Day landing on a Sunday we get Monday off too. I hope you've had a peaceful time over the holidays, and enjoyed some good company.

Now, back to what's new on the Gwulo website...








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