Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Nightime at Causeway Bay 1961

: P1010454 (2).JPG

: P1010456 (2).JPG

1964: Hong Kong Police Officer C,I.P. Tommy Dow

1950: 1950 Royal HK Defence Force I/D for Lila Parks

1896: Kops Ale

1896: Masts

1896: Shop signs

1896: Arches

1896: Brick carriers

1896: Kops Ale

1896: Loading bricks into carriers

1896: Man with bricks

1896: 1896 Stereoview: "Chinese Coolies, Hong Kong, China"

1896: 1890s View along the Praya
