Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: Jewish Recreation Club

1980: Jewish Recreation Club

1980: Jewish Recreation Club

1897: Commodore's Bungalow Foundation Stone - 26 January 1897

1860: Rustomjee (left) and Dent's (right with flags)

1961: Hong Kong's foundations

1961: Hong Kongs foundations

1961: Hong Kongs foundations

1961: Hong Kong's foundations

1963: Mobil Oil Tank + Li Chai Kok Hospital .jpg

1976: Mei Foo Sun Chuen + Lai Chi Kok Hospital-1976.jpg

1925: Mid-levels from Peak

: 125_DivineDeakin.jpg

1846: Hong Kong June 1846

1846: Hong Kong: the Club House, Parsee residence and Harbour Master’s house

1875: Murray Parade Ground mid 1870's

1909: Field Marshal Kitchener arrives at Blake Pier in Hong Kong. 1909

1909: Arrival of Field Marshal Kitchener at Blake Pier 1909

1995: 1995 - walking to Tung Chung

1995: 1995 - walking to Tung Chung

1992: 1995 - walking to Tung Chung

1995: 1995 - Tung Chung

1995: 1995 - Tung Chung

1995: 1995 - Tung Chung

1995: 1995 - Tung Chung
