Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1994: 1994 - Causeway Bay typhoon shelter

1994: 1994 - Causeway Bay typhoon shelter

1994: 1994 - Causeway Bay

1994: 1994 - Wan Fu

1994: 1994 - Admiralty from Wan Fu

1994: 1994 - Central Escalator

1994: 1994 - Central

1994: 1994 - Rednaxela Terrace

1994: 1994 - Central Police Station

1994: 1994 - Central Police Station

1941: Japanese troops of the 10th Independent artillery brigade attack North Point. 1941

1994: 1994 - Shek O

1994: 1994 - Shek O

1994: 1994 - Shek O beach

1994: 1994 - Shek O beach

1964: 1964 Wanchai Landing Place

1964: 1964 Naval Dockyard (HMS Tamar)

1961: 1961 Mody Road

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo

1994: 1994 - Trappist Monastery

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo

1994: 1994 - walking to Mui Wo
