Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

1988: 1988 - Whitney Houston in concert at the Coliseum

: GoogleEarth_Image.jpg

: 1906 photo - ML 2,3,5 & 7.

: Map of ML 2-3-5-7 as of 2016

1988: 1988 - sunset at Repulse Bay

1988: 1988 - sunset at Repulse Bay

1988: 1988 - sunset at Repulse Bay

1988: 1988 - sunset at Repulse Bay

1988: 1988 - sunset at Repulse Bay

1929: Back of previousPost Card of Peak Rail

1929: Post card showing Peak Railway 1929 Hong Kong

1929: CHG and CPG HK 1929 (May Road)

1929: HK View from Peak 1929

2016: 2016 Tai Tam Road

1858: Keying House/Oriental Hotel corner of Pedder & QRC c1858

: Three Dent & Co. Praya buildings

1988: 1988 - Sai Kung

1988: 1988 - Sai Kung

1988: 1988 - Sai Kung
