70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 1 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 1 Sep 1945

    Worked busily in morning.  ((The large room on the ground floor of the French Mission became the general office, where we girls typed among telephones and noisy comings and goings of various Govt. people who were working there too.  Some of the rooms on the first floor were offices for our bosses.  The top floor rooms served as billets for us staff)).

    A relieving forces fellow (Yeoman of Signals) presented us with two 4oz packets chocolate each.  Sent one packet into family via Tony Sanh.

    Letter from Olive saying she's been sent to work at camp hospital again, and that some internees have been in movies which are taken at Stanley.

    In afternoon, shopping with Nancy.  We bought Dutch Baby Milk (Yen 100).  In Asia Company ((in Des Voeux Road, our family's pre-war compradore i.e. grocer)) met Mr. A. B. Allan ((Naval Dockyard, a great buddie of my Dad's)) and Mr Ebbage.  Mr. Allan insisted we had an ice cream and a glass of cider with him.  Also at table was Mr Campbell of Royal Scots, he said it's feared that Arthur Alsey may have been lost on the 'Lisbon Maru' ((we learned later that he was rescued)).

    Letter from Mum saying that 66 folk are going on the hospital ship from Stanley, she is lying off jetty.

    The following is from a letter I sent to my Mother:-

    'Mr Allan is moving into the Dockyard tomorrow and has promised to scrounge me some film magazines.  Did you get the chocolate I sent, and if so, wasn't it nice?  The funny thing about town is the lack of traffic, especially buses.  A few stray crackers are being let off from time to time; not many Chinese people about, but quite a number of troops, ex pows.'

  • 1 Sep 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 1 Sep 1945

    James O'Toole in Shamshuipo goes to see Joan Whiteley at Kowloon's Central British School, where the staff and patients of Bowen Road Hospital were transferred between April 9 and April 12, 1945. Ms. Whiteley was presumably one of the Queen Alexandra nurses who moved from Stanley to the hospital at the CBS following Matron Dyson's letter to Colonel Bowie - see entry for August 18, 1945


    Admiral Cecil Harcourt issues Proclamation No. 1 'to establish a military administration'. Subject to any regulations enacted by the new authorities, 'All laws existing immediately prior to the Japanese occupation will be respected and administered.' 'Rights and property' acquired under the Japanese will stay in place for the moment, but are subject to later investigation. Proclamaton  No. 2, also issued today appoints Franklin Gimson Lieutenant Governor, who, subject to Harcourt's instructions, is told 'to set up and administer a civil government in the Colony.'

    However, although the British Government appreciates Gimson's work during and after the war, they know he is tired and badly in need of a rest. Besides, David MacDougall, who has helped create British policy at the Hong Kong Planning Unit, is on his way to take charge of Civil Affairs in the Military Administration. London, aware of the huge debt owed to Gimson, will now try to manoeuvre him out of the colony as tactfully as possible. And his eventual reward will be the Governorship of Singapore.


    O'Toole visit: http://www.far-eastern-heroes.org.uk/James_OToole/html/dairy_1945.htm

    Transfer to CBS: Donald Bowie, Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong, 1975, 247

  • 01 Sep 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 1 Sep 1945

    Fine, hot.

    Jap. food supply ended, thank heaven for that. Capt. Bailey, Liaison Officer made other arrangements yesterday. All is going well.

    The loafing women here will soon have to do a job of work as most of the men, fit men, have Dept. jobs to do.  

    Oatmeal, milk, sugar, toast, marmalade, butter & coffee for breakfast.

    More odds & ends of stores arrived & it seems to have the B.C.C. beat as to its distribution.

    T.B. cases etc went aboard the “Oxfordshire” today.

    Majority of police back to town.  

    HK officially taken over this afternoon.

    Comdr. W. Griffiths took over Camp Com.

    Next of kin handed in. 

    Duty 12-3pm. Cleaned up a couple of rooms ex Formosan for Willcocks.

    Little walk. 8.45-9.0pm ∴ Open air supper till 10.30pm.

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