70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 2 Aug 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sun, 2 Aug 1942

    Olive and I went to tea with Mary and Peggy Taylor and Sheila Bruce.  ((Peggy's husband Alex Taylor - not in Stanley - being  Mary's brother)).   Jim Johnson (Police) there too.  He thinks, another 2 years of this - he isn't usually wrong about politics etc.

    My weight about 122 now.  Started having thyroid tablets as well as oil (treatment for K).  An old lady, Mrs Mary Williamson died this afternoon.

    Mrs G says she expects to be moving ((from our room)) within a day or two.

  • 2 Aug 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sun, 2 Aug 1942


    Plenty of news which confirms that received last week.

  • 2 Aug 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sun, 2 Aug 1942

    Death of  Mary Williamson, aged 75 (also given as 74). Mrs. Williamson's grandson, Douglas Harvey Collins-Taylor, was killed in action at Stanley Village while fighting with the HKVDC on December 25, 1941. They are memorialised on the same post-war grave stone in the Military Cemetery.


    Even before they’ve arrived back home, the Americans are bringing news of events in Hong Kong to the outside world.

    An article with today’s date by Vaughn Meissling (from Lourenco Marques where the Americans changed ships)  provides perhaps the first account ever published of the genesis of a scheme to provide every internee with a 'seventy five dollar parcel'.

     Meissling tells his readers that, due to the scarcity of medicines, food and clothing, the Red Cross representative (Arthur M.) Fifer, a Stanley internee, and some Americans outside camp devised a plan to get a loan to enable the internees to buy supplies. An informal committee of Americans, British and Japanese was set up to implement the plan, and, once the loan was secured, the purchasing was done entirely by Americans. The items were brought from Hong Kong stores and brought into camp on trucks by Dr. Selwyn-Clarke and members of his staff. Items provided included shoes, socks, medicines, dried fruits and many other kinds of foodstuff.


    Death: Geoffrey Emerson, Hong Kong Internment, 1973, 271

    Panama City New Herald, August 2, 1942, page 10


    1) For the arrival of the ’75 dollar parcels’ in Stanley see, for example, http://gwulo.com/node/10378 and http://gwulo.com/node/10367

    The Americans got theirs before the June 29/30 repatriation, while most of the British had to wait until August.

     2) From the MacNider Papers it seems that the main  purchaser was F. C. Barry (pre- and post-war Rice Controller).  Chester Bennett carried out a preliminary survey and some or all of the items were obtained from the Department Store Habade in the French Bank Building. Today's account seems well-sourced and probably establishes that the money from the parcels came from the American Red Cross, not, as some sources claim, the Japanese. American internee Norman Briggs claims that ‘a wealthy Iranian ship owner in Hong Kong by the name of Namazee’ was involved in completing the deal. Emily Hahn knew Nemazee (as she calls him) so might have been one of the uninterned Americans involved in the plan. Other likely candidates are some of the delivery drivers –  http://brianedgar.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/thomass-work-6-more-on-the-delivery-drivers/ - and, of course, the bankers.

    Update: A document in the Red Cross Archives Geneva establishes that the loan did in fact come from the Japanese!


  • 2 Aug 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sun, 2 Aug 1942

    Today is Grandpa Buuck’s birthday.

    We had private communion service this a.m. in Thode’s cabin and children’s service this p.m.

    There is a movie this evening but I don’t like them and it’s so cold everybody is shivering. It’s 43 out on aft deck. And do we ever dip up and down! Many are sick, we are still doing all right but Lenny complains at times and my head gets heavy as lead at times.

  • 2 Aug 1942, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sun, 2 Aug 1942

    (Johnstone) / M. Dow ((Does anyone know who Johnstone refers to?))

    Death of Mrs. Mary Williamson (75)

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