70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 20 Mar 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 20 Mar 1945

    Still styes.

    Joan Wilkinson came for shorthand.

    Fairies' rehearsal in Annie's room.

    Bulletin about emergency arrangements: we must conserve what food we have.

    Spent afternoon with Mary (Taylor), nice tea.  

    George Davitt still in hospital.

    Peggy got caught over here (i.e. in Married Q) for roll call ((she lived in American Quarters))

  • 20 Mar 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 20 Mar 1945

    Overcast, NE wind.

    Workers oil & sugar.

    Oven for Japs & viewed some Hosp. jobs.

    Chatty for Mrs W.  

    Excellent news in bulletin. 150,000 fresh troops over the Rhine & more advances made. Ribbentrop denies Peace feeler through Sweden.

    Book title for G.F. ((This is probably Gwen Flower - R E Jones's first mention of her in his diary.))

    Firewood, water on. Rice 15% cut for next 11 days.

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