70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 20 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Thu, 20 Sep 1945

    This morning before going to S. Court, I went to see Dick Maynard to make sure he had us down for as early as possible departure, then to work.

    On arrival at F. Mission for tiffin, Nan (Grady) said 'Have you heard?  We're going on the 'Smiter' tomorrow.'  I thought she meant just for a social visit - but it means sailing!!!  Later, departure delayed to the 22nd, but I've left work, having handed over this afternoon to Grace Ezra, got away at 4pm.

    Olive doesn't want to go on Smiter ((she was having too good a time these days!)) but will go.

    Went shopping and had hair cut.

    Clifton and parents are also down for this ship.

  • 20 Sep 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Thu, 20 Sep 1945

    A report in the China Mail claims that 'Stanley feels hurt': half of the 400 women found that there weren't enough pullovers, coats and sandals in a package form the Australian Red Cross. The report makes it clear that neither the Red Cross nor the Camp Authorities are to blame.

    The paper also reports the birth of a son to former internees Mr. and Mrs. Alan Thomas on board the H.M.S. Oxfordshire.


    China Mail, September 20, 1945, pages 3 and 4

  • 20 Sep 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Thu, 20 Sep 1945

    Underway for “The next Port of Call” 7.20am. US M/swpr. ahead.

    Overcast, slight sea, cooler.

    Several malaria cases to Hosp. today.

    Clock back 1hr. midn’t.


    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Thu, 20 Sep 1945


    Embarkation for United Kingdom, Ceylon and India

    1.    Will the following persons please assemble at Stanley at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 2nd September, 1945:—

    Dr H. Talbot, Mrs C. Talbot, Mr and Mrs Witchell, Mr and Mrs M. H. Large, Mr C. T. Large, Mrs M. Smith, Mrs W. O. Lambert, Mr and Mrs E. Hopkinson, Mrs M. Mather, Mr and Mrs B. Margrett, Mr and Mrs W. T. Lewis and children, Mr and Mrs J. Riddell and child, Mrs D. E. Johnston, Mr and Miss F. Leonard, Mr G. Miskin, Miss G. F. Flower, Miss V. Podmore, Mr and Mrs G. Holloway, Mrs A. C. Tribble, Mrs E. M. de Biere, Miss D. Brazier, Miss E. Lemmon, Mrs P. E. Newnham, Miss E. Riley, Miss L. Warbrick, Miss K. E. Gordon, Miss A. Williams, Miss N. Chandler, Mrs M. J. Staple, Miss E. Chart, Miss L. Turner, Miss D. Lambert-Baker, Miss J. Smith, Miss M. A. Grant, Miss M. A, Mackay, Miss S. R. Leslie, Miss A. Holdway, Miss E. M. Hill, Miss M. D. Riddle, Miss M. Carew, Miss L. Busser, Mr C. Whitfield, Mrs and Miss Hirst, Mr and Mrs J. D. Robinson, Mrs W. A. Penny, Mrs J. M. Fenton, Mr and Mrs M. Rogers and child, Mr and Mrs R. Grindley, Mrs H. W. Mills, Mr J. W. Fitzgerald, Mr and Mrs J. F. Channing, Misses B. and F. D. Cartwright, Mr and Mrs O. F. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs E. J. Stevens and family, Sub. Lt. and Mrs: Sallis and family, Mrs T. Fortescue and child, Mrs E. N. Winfield, Mrs D. D. Richards and Mrs H. P. Lourenz.

    2.    Will the following persons please assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 22nd September, 1945, or, in the case of Kowloon residents, board H.M.S. “Smiter” at Kowloon Wharves:—

    Mr T. B. Rolland, Mr A. Gashenko (Jockey Club Stables), Mr J. W. Deakin, Mr P. W. Calderara (c/o. Keller & Co., Ltd.), Mr S. C. Feltham, Mr and Mrs F. Chisholm, Mr Q. A. A. Macfadyen, Mr T. W. Addingley, Mr M. F. Weissenfluh (Church Guest House), Mr B. D. Evans, Mr E. Pudney, Mr D. W. Phillips, Mr J. Aitken (H.K.P.), Mr P. W. Urke, Mr H. Fantham, Mr C. W. Browne, Mr T. Fortescue, Miss N. Grady, Capt. A. H. Finnie, Miss B. C. Redwood, Mr E. J. Easson, Mr and Mrs E. Pritchard, Mr A. C. Tribble, Mrs and Miss Van Wylick, Mr J. G. Haigh, Mr D. Ritchie, Mr R. A. Bates, Mr A. N. Mackenzie, Mr A. R. S. Major, Mr J. F. Ferrier, Mr P. O. Guild, Mr and Mrs C. D. Perdue, Mr H. W. Mills, Mr E. S. Cutcher, Mr R. H. Hughes, Mr C. T. Champelovier, Mr J. Gellatly, Mr I. Newton, Mr G. E. Gilbert, Mr E. Tuck, Mr W. C. Excell, Mr F. T. White, Mr T. Mcgarry, Mrs and Miss Budden, Miss N. Witchell, Mr A. Foster, Miss O. Redwood, Mr H. Smith. Mr W. O. Lambert, Mr. J. F. McGowen, Mr W. J. Pendergast. Mr R. J. Walker, Comdr J. Jolly, Mr W. S. Smith, Mr T. W. Carr. Mr J. P. Pennefather-Evans, Mr J. Rees, Mr W. Hew?tt, Miss C. B. Murray, Mr G. W. Mortimer, Mr T. H. Lunson, Mr M. E. Purvis, Mr A. McKenzie, Dr A. H. Barwell, Mr B. H. Church, Mr C. M. Harloe, Mr W. McLaughlin, Sub. Lieut. Bremner, Signalman Pennington Mrs H. A. Selwyn-Clarke and child, Miss H. Ho, Mr W. A. Johnson, Lieut. D. G. Wilson, Miss A. I. Smith, Mr H. Lourenz.
    Mr D. M. D. Stephen, 182 Hennessey Rd., 2nd f1.
    Mr R. J. Jagia, Dina House, 25 Dudley Str.
    Mr G. M. Advani, Rm. 26, Stock Exchange Bldg.
    Mr J. R. Mahtani, 35 Caine Road,, 4th FI.

    3.    Passengers must embark from the place under which their names, appear at their berthing cards will not be available elsewhere.

    Hong Kong and S’hai Bank
    Building, 1st floor.
    Telephone No. 39642.
    20th September, 1945.

    Published on p.1 of SCMP for 21 Sep 1945.

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