70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 23 Feb 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 23 Feb 1943

    Sir Vandeleur Grayburn and his deputy E. P. Streatfield go to the head of Foreign Affairs Mr. Oda and confess their role in the attempt to smuggle money into Stanley (see February 20). They keep the name of Charles Hyde - who'd also given Dr. Talbot money - out of it, probably because Hyde is the most active BAAG agent amongst the bankers. Oda tells them this is a serious matter. But they have to wait to find out what action, if any, will be taken against them.


    Frank King, History of the HKSBC, Volume 3, 1988, page 622

  • 23 Feb 1943, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 23 Feb 1943

    Nice day, cold.

    1st Aid Class, bandaging.


    Walk with Steve pm. 

    Vaccinated anti-small pox.


  • Waichow Intelligence Summary #20, 23 Feb 1943

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 23 Feb 1943


    The Hongkong News dated 16 Feb.43, contains the following announcement:-

    "All Norwegians residing in the occupied territory of Hongkong are hereby ordered to present themselves at the Foreign Affairs Department on Friday, February 19, at 10 a.m."

    Our two Norwegian friends left Hongkong on 10 Feb.43, and expected that their absence would be reported within two days. ((See Waichow Intelligence Summary #19 for details))

    There is every indication that the Japanese resent these frequent disappearing acts and proclaimed Martial law in the border area, increasing all their posts after the disappearance of two batches of Indians via this route.

    Whilst their attentions were concentrated on the border area another party of six Indians were succesfully brought out via the sea route. What their reactions to this news will be, we shudder to think.



    ((The original document shows asterisks against some names in the first column, but does not explain their meaning. I have included them here.))

      Name   Age  
    * L. Eide 42 Ship's Officer
    * H. Andersen 26 Ship's Officer
    * O. Engelstad. 30 Ship's Officer
    * H. Sorensen 31 Ship's Engineer
    * P. Urke 33 Ship's Officer
    * G. Hauge 34 Ship's Officer
    * K. Hjelmaas 40 Ship's Engineer
    * H. Helgesen 31 Ship's Officer
    * G. Stensen 32 Ship's Engineer
    * A. K. Olsen 30 Ship's Officer
    * S. Falnes 47 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
    * E. Kverne 42 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
    * F. Solhaug 47 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
    * J. Krogh-Moe 57 Director, Representative of Bruusgaard Kiosterud & Co.
      R. Thorbjornsen 55 Master Mariner
      O. Gundersen 52 Master Mariner
      A. Olsen 58 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
      D. Danielsen 61 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
      K. Davidsen 49 Boatswain
      O. Pedersen 52 Ship's Engineer (Chief)
      O. Jacobsen 48 Assistant Engineer
      H. Sareussen 66 Master Mariner
      H. Hartwigsen 42 Ship's Engineer


    ((Where entries in the following tables have the same number in the first column, the original document marked them as belonging to the same family.)) 

    1. Karsten Larssen 62 Director, former Consul for Denmark
    1. Aasta Larssen 59 Housewife
    2. S . K. Heiberg 57 Naval Architect & Civil Engineer
    2. Gudren Heiberg 52 Housewife
    3. J. Stenersen 46 Bank Manager
    3. Edna Stenersen 42 Housewife
      B. O. Andresen 57 Director
      Tui Berg. 38 Housewife
      Marie F. Johnsen 30 Housewife
      Nelly Semmelman 42 Housewife
    4. J. Sandberg 56 Ship's Engineer
    4. Marie Sandberg 34 Housewife
    4.   Sandberg   Four children
    5. T. Thoresen 49 Civil Engineer
    5. Lillian Thoresen 37 Housewife
    5.   Thoresen   Two children
    6. Ida Warild 43 Housewife
    6.   Warild   Two children
    7. Daisy Hoyem 39 Widow
    7.   Hoyem   Three children
      Alexandra Hansen 34 Housewife
      Johan Nielsen 56 Pastor Norwegian Seamen's Mission
      H. Thorgersen 56 Civil Engineer


      Florence Haugland 42 Housewife
      Esther Haugland 18 Daughter
      Catherine Hellevik 38 Housewife
      Norman Hellevik 15 Son


    8. C. L. Reichelt 66 Missionary
    8. Anne Reichelt 67 Housewife
    9. G. Reichelt 36 Missionary
    9. R. Reichelt 34 Housewife
    9.   Reichelt   Three children
    0. N. N. Thelle 42 Missionary
    0. R. Thelle 39 Housewife
    0.   Thelle   Four children


      S. Berg 50 Ship Broker
      B. Naess 42 Manager
      L. Ongstad 26 Business man
      R. Reiertsen 27 Business man
      J. Johnsen 34 Business man
      K. W. Smeby 35 Business man
      K. Semmelman 19 Student
      P. Dybdahl 25 Seaman
  • 23 Feb 1943, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Tue, 23 Feb 1943

    Vaccination against small-pox.

    Prof. Brown "Burns".

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