70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 3 Mar 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 3 Mar 1945

    Went to Joan Wilkinson and arranged to give her shorthand lessons.  Mist curling right down on us.

    Gladys and I went to Indian quarters to get people to come to social.  Our efforts rewarded; Joe Lewis came, it was quite a success.  Pauline Beck same as well. Dorothy Wilson won bar of choc donated by Father Hessler.  Clifton ran the show and did it well.  When Harold and Elsie Bidwell arrived, they announced that a loud toot from the jetty brought every one out - expecting firewood and parcels.

    Later, a notice that there will be parcels tomorrow, some private ones, 600 cases comfort parcels, 2 cases books, toilet articles, men's clothes.  No mention of bulk foodstuffs to everyone's disappointment.  Bulletin suggests that only 2,500 individual parcels in all  ((i.e., 1 each, as camp population then about 2,460)).  From Canadian Red Cross.  The committee announce we're to have 1 parcel each distributed at once, minus 1 tin corned beef which will be taken by Welfare and replaced by reerve tins they have.

  • 03 Mar 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 3 Mar 1945

    Rained during night, heavy fog, damp.

    10 yrs on Prison Staff today. £310.  Back pay roughly £1000.

    Hosp. roof. 

    Plenty activity re parcels. 600 parcels, 37 US Mens clothing, 21 medical etc. 1 shoe repairs 1 US cigs. 2 Boots & shoes. 5 Toilet, 2 Books & they are Canadian not US. Some 158 private US & Can. parcels among the supply.

    Disposition of Internees.

    • M.Qs. [Married Quarters] 561,
    • T.B.H. 77,
    • A1-4 381,
    • Dutch 64,
    • Norwegian 46, 
    • Ind.Qtrs. 727,
    • Blocks 8-11 & Bungalows 609.
    • Total 2465.

    Lorry with Canteen gear 7pm.

  • 03 Mar 1945, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Sat, 3 Mar 1945

    Parcels notification (Canadian R.C.)

    Parcels from town put into godown

    Issue of 2 ozs. tomatoes per head from communal gardens

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