70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 30 Apr 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 30 Apr 1945

    Rumour that Leopold ((?King)) is released and has gone to Switzerland. Stalin's son is supposed to be held as hostage by Germans. Truman says that war is not yet over but the Americans and Russians have met.

    Mrs Eileen MacLeod gave a very nice talk on 'Uganda'.

    We ate our garden produce this evening – very little.

  • 30 Apr 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 30 Apr 1945

    Overcast, heavy rain. hot. humid. SW wind.

    Water on.

    Hosp. lock.

    Patten captured Links [Linz?] in Austria. 2/3s of Berlin occupied.  Russians bombard with 2,000lb shells. Juveniles, women & kids are supposed to have taken up arms to defend the remainder & the only movement they can make is underground. Bremen & Hamburg capture. French & British Armies meet Russians 26th. Saigon bombed for 6 days & Tokyo & Kyushu heavily bombed.

    Workers oil & sugar issued – 1.6oz & 2.4oz for 10 days.

    Japs forbid any ref. to repat. or re-union in pcs. There are no more p.cs. so what? ((I think this refers to the postcards the internees could send out of camp.))

    No oil due to diff. of transport across harbour.

    Burma news excellent. Our forces reach ex British border.  Nothing between British & Rangoon but paddy fields.

    Last time ∴G.

  • 30 Apr 1945, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 30 Apr 1945

    Permanent blackout reminder (cigs to be lit circumspectly)

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