70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 7 Mar 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Wed, 7 Mar 1945

    Joan Wilkinson (16) came for shorthand lesson.

    Mrs Adams collected our congee.

    No Mass because Red Cross clothing is in Prison Officers' Club.

    2 post cards from Mrs Irene Cole ((in Australia; her husband was killed at Aberdeen, Hong Kong, during the war.  He was a colleague of Dad's))

    Visited Betty Twidale.

  • 07 Mar 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Wed, 7 Mar 1945

    Overcast, colder, 12’.


    Spoke to Nichol re diving job and it seems my age is against me damn it.

    Rec. Mar 44 from Marj. Rae at kindergarten now bless her.

    A/r. alarm 1-2pm.

    Formosa being continually bombed by planes from Luzon. Germans expect Allies to cross the Rhine, hence their bridge destruction. Finland at war with Germany & Roumania declared war against her 3rd Mar.

  • 07 Mar 1945, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Wed, 7 Mar 1945

    Rec’d parcel (wongtong, biscuits, sweet potatoes) from Mrs. P.C. Wai, 47 Village Road, H.V., H.K.

    Beans to be issued in lieu of fish ration. 

  • 07 Mar 1945, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Wed, 7 Mar 1945

    The committee have me asked to continue the work I have been doing, but a change in name of office to Rations Officer instead of Quarter Masters. so that my work will be much as before and I'm also in charge of the distribution of parcels when they come in. I don't get any extra rations of course I wouldn't have accepted that in any case. I am now on bran, juice and nicotine acid as I'm very deficient in vitamins A and B and all the others as well.

    The weather fortunately has become warmer and more pleasant Two postcards dated 21/9/44 and 11/7/44 arrived.

    I have had a busy week of it with the distribution of parcels, which are just the 'lap sap' of the parcels which came by the Kamakara Maru at the end of 1942. It is very disappointing as we fully expected to get American parcels and bulk supplies but evidently there is none of that tho' there are some clothes and medical supplies. There are also some private parcels and I'm just the lucky one thanks to you Nell.

    After I distributed the parcels one to each resident there was a terrible lot of blown and damaged stuff. All that had to be collected and listed and replacements obtained. These parcels were in terrible condition having either been in Hong Kong or Japan for over two years but nevertheless we are very grateful to get them. My parcel contained soap, tea, sugar, pasta, cloves, biscuits, carlton pudding, margarine, tomatoes, marmalade, condensed milk, bacon, steak, tapioca pudding and meat gelatine. Lords parcel similar to that we'd in November 1942.

  • 07 Mar 1945, John Charter's wartime journal

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Wed, 7 Mar 1945

    There is, in camp, a steadily growing feeling that there is a lot more food in town that has not yet been sorted out and sent to the different camps. This, it is thought, includes the more recently packed bulk supplies and also the American parcels. I am torn between a desire to credit this theory and a great fear of hoping for anything more at all in case it all turns out to be groundless. But looking at it logically, it does seem extraordinary that such a large ship as the Awa Maru should bring such a small quantity of supplies to Hong Kong, especially as it must be much more difficult for the Japanese to bring I.R.C. supplies to their enemy internees in the S. Pacific regions (like HK and Singapore) than to places like Shanghai and Formosa, and it would therefore seem that when a special ship is chartered for this purpose they would take full advantage of it.

    We know that originally there were about 300,000 prisoners of war in Japanese occupied territory. The shipping experts here say that the ‘Awa’ is capable of carrying at least 12,000 tons of cargo. Assuming there are still 300,000 prisoners to be supplied (in spite of re-conquered territories such as the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines) it would mean that on a pro rata basis this camp alone should receive just about 100 tons; i.e. 90 lbs per person. These parcels altogether weigh about 8 lbs, plus say, 2 lbs per person of other goods makes it about 10 lbs. So there seems to be a big discrepancy between the 90 and the 10 lbs. Then again, fancy sending 4 cigarettes each all the way from America! ‘Old Gold’ they are and quite nice. No doubt the Japs have kept most of them for themselves.  

    78 pairs of boots have been sent – between about 1,200 practically shoeless men! Why no Canadian parcels at all when it stated the goods were Canadian. Formosan guards are alleged to have said that our Sham Shui Po prisoners each received 2 parcels similar to ours and 150 cigarettes. Well, good luck to them if it is true. The cigarettes are said to have been ‘Craven A’. It would be lovely to have some English cigarettes or, better still, for me, some decent pipe tobacco.

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