70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

70 years ago: Hong Kong's wartime diaries

Shows diary entries from seventy-one years ago, using today's date in Hong Kong as the starting point. To see pages from earlier dates (they go back to 1 Dec 1941), choose the date below and click the 'Apply' button.
  • 8 May 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 8 May 1944

    Fine, humid.

    Rice grinding etc. took 5hrs of my time today. Not feeling so energetic of late. Pulse rate low.  

    With Steve pm.

    No news, a depressing day.

    Reading book “South of the Sun” by Russell Owen. He talks of boredom, lassitude etc. after only eight months on the Southern Ice Barrier with 41 other men, plenty of food, cigs & drink. He’d have died long ago under these circumstances.

    Spring cleaning everywhere as per Jap? order. 4hrs work.

  • 8 May 1944, Harry Ching's wartime diary

    Book / Document: 
    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 8 May 1944

    ((Following text not dated:))

    Mavis Xavier and Mrs Allen ((Probably wife of Charlie Allen)) lamenting ((both their husbands were POWs in Sham Shui Po)). Parcels to camp returned. Means husbands have gone, probably Japan.

    Returning from town met Betty at Nee Kwoo's door in Tin Lok Lane. ((Who were they?)) Pressed me go in. Tiffin. Good. Says Louis Xavier and other Volunteers sent Formosa.

  • 08 May 1944, Eric MacNider's wartime diary

    Date(s) of events described: 
    Mon, 8 May 1944

    “Spring-cleaning whole Camp area”


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