Star Street Air-Raid Tunnels | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Star Street Air-Raid Tunnels

Star Street Air-Raid Tunnels

More information here.


Hi there,

Wanchai urban legend says the ARP tunnels along Star Street were haunted.  The deities in the shrine shown in the photo were meant to supress the ghosts or whatever it was lingering there.  They also mentioned when they torn down the old building to build the existing ones, the shrine was damaged or the idols of the deities was taken away and things began caming out from the underworld haunting the neighbourhood.  It didn't stop until the shrine was rebuilt with all the deities being 'Invited' back to their respectives places.

Strange enough.  I have been living in the building on the left hand side of the photo for a few years slightly more than 20 years ago.  I didn't feel anything unusual.  :-P

Best Regards,


I have heard about these supposed hauntings.

Last year, I enrolled onto a "Confined Spaces Worker" course with Gwulo founder MrB. We are hoping to be invited along to one of the tunnel systems that the company has to maintain.... something yet to happen.

As it was only us two that enrolled, they personalized the course to focus mainly on the ARP's. The course tutor told us about the rumoured history of these tunnels.

He told us that these particular tunnels were part of a system that the Japanese Secret police used to "interrogate" people between 1941-45. Executions also took place within the tunnels and it is rumoured that there is a big block where they decapitated people. I am unsure on the authenticity of these stories, as he told us the block was made of stone..... not the surface you want to be striking with a treasured steel Katana.  

I am always very doubtful when I hear stories about ghosts and apparitions (simply because they don't exist), but he told us of a story about when they went into this tunnel a couple of years ago for routine maintenance. They always perform a "Bysan" (joysticks, burning incense, fruit and a roast pig)  before entering a new tunnel. They checked the air quality with digital meters before entering and it was fine. They then went and placed their card on the notice board outside (to let people know how many and whom is inside). Just as they were about to step inside, he felt a gust of warm air hit him and simultaneously his Air quality meter started going crazy with warnings saying the air was poisonous. He said the level of change the meter registered was something like a 10% jump which was totally out of the ordinary and has never happened before.... I think he said he refused to enter that particular tunnel. He also said that the night security guards in the building to the right of the shrine (where there is another entrance) have also heard unusual sounds coming from within the tunnel.