1950s Fred Evans' photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1950s Fred Evans' photos

1950s Fred Evans' photos


This is a photo of the Centurion tanks arriving at Hong Kong in the late 1950's, to replace the existing Comet tanks. Reader Isdl notes that the Centurion tanks later moved on to Australia:

This Aussie site has information about the ex-Hong Kong stock Centurion MkV tanks:

In the early 1950s, the British put on military displays every year. These tanks, howitzers and other long guns, and trucks full of soldiers paraded northward on Nathan Road. The tanks made scratches on the asphalt surface which showed up for weeks.

My mistake in previous post.  The parade moved southward on Nathan Road, and I watched it at the junction with Lai Chi Kok Road.  Besides the guns, we kids liked to count the number of road wheels which numbered 5 on the Comet tanks.  Regards, Peter