Where was this picture taken ? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Where was this picture taken ?

Where was this picture taken ?

Knowing how good some people are at identifying places I wonder if anybody can put a name to the place on this picture.

Somewhere in my family pictures I have seen another which shows the trees more clearly going down the centre of the road. I think I have also seen a similar colour postcard of the road on my various web jaunts.

The picture is of my great grandfather John Olson and was taken in 1917/18 orpossibly for his 80th birthday in 1918. If it helps John was living at 98 Wanchai Road at the time.

Many thanks,


Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1917


Sean, nothing obvious, unfortunately.

In the distance on the left there's a tall building. Maybe a church tower?

Can you spot any other photos that were taken around the same time? (eg that have the same size of paper, same markings on back, etc) If there are several photos in a sequence, they can all help identify each other.

Regards, David

PS I've taken down the photo you uploaded yesterday, as it turns out it was a duplicate of this one.

Pretty impossible to identify the location I know and thanks for the technical help.

I recall another picture taken from further back and which was in very poor condition which seemed to show those trees ran down the middle of what we would call a dual carriageway today. It seemed to be a wide street with trees in the midle which seemed to slope down and away to the left of where he stands in this picture.

Unfortunately, I cannot lay my hands on the picture I describe.

Another clue might be be that it is in the Robinson Road area as I think he had some property there and certainly my grandfether - his eldest son - lived in Robinson Road around 1910.

Thanks again.
