Shop Opening...Waterloo Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Shop Opening...Waterloo Road

Shop Opening...Waterloo Road
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1962


Hi there,

This decoration is for the Grand Opening of a Restaurant called Chong Yuen Lau (狀元樓大飯店).  The actual name of the restaurant was still covered in drapes in the photo.  Probably waiting for the guest of honour for the ceremony.   I don't see Firecrackers anywhere, which was still popular before 1967.

Best Regards,


the street sign says prince edward road.  would this have been at the prince edward/waterloo junction where the captain's table was?

On the bottom left of the photo, just beside the door of the new restaurant, there is a place called 影城大酒店, with words in red.  I can't find any information of that place on the net, and wonder if anyone knows anything about it.


For me it looks like the section of Prince Edward road in the east of Stirling road, Kowloon City.

Greetings, allow me to join in.  The stretch of Prince Edward Road east of Stirling Road is quite short, about one city block.  I tried to compare this photo with one of the Prince Hotel's -  . None of the windows on that photo matches the types shown here.  This restaurant might be further up towards the corner at Stirling but not visible on the photo, or west of Stirling, or built after tearing down the then-existing home.  There appears to be a road on the right edge of this photo and possibly Waterloo Road as the heading says.

The tree line and the style of homes tell it is on the south side of Prince Edward Road, as the north side were shophouses.  Regards, Peter

Hi Peter,

According to a Chinese newspaper published on 9/5/1959 celebrating the opening of this restaurant. It was situatated  in 365-367 Prince Edward Road which is just on the corner of Stirling road.



Thank you ymsitt for confirming the restaurant's location.  Your initial post is correct all along.  Regards,  Peter