Marksman unit | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Marksman unit

Marksman unit


Hugh Healy-Brown presents Au Ting with his trophy for the winner of the inter-member pistol comp. About 1976.

Wow, I remember Au Ting, he worked for me when he left the RHKP. an amazing character. Is he still around.

Last I heard he was Vice Chairman Hon Treasurer of the HKP Old Commrades' Association.

When I visited HK in the 1990's we met up again. He was still going strong also his family. Now tho I dont know due to his age. Also at this time our friend Yam Man Yau was giving away all his possessions and  belongings to the needy prior to becoming a monk in the mountains of the Mainland. Yam also had the power of healing in his hands and was a regular visitor to terminal patients in hospital to see if he could help them. This is also the reason for these photos and stories because if not recorded these nice genuine people would become unknown/unremembered for the things they did for people.

Au Ting is still alive and kicking, although he is currently recovering from some stomach surgery he recently had.

I had dinner with Au Ting last Thursday the 25th June. he is fine and  approaching his 90th birthday. I have a photo but cannot post it.


If and when you meet Au Ting again can you pass on my regards and I still love him. I had a meeting with Bill Duncanson June 2015 when he came to UK and during our 4 hour meet we discussed old times and he also wishes the very best to Au. I can only hope that Yam Man Yau finds what he is after in life. Thanks for the update it is very much appreciated. Ray

IMG-20150625-WA0011.jpg, by Marksman unit Au Ting

Au Ting together with me in blue shirt on left and Henry Yuen in red shirt also ex RHKP.

Bill Duncanson and myself wish him Health. Wealth and Happiness and I still love him. Best regards to all his family. Ray

Sorry for late notice, but regret to inform you that Au Ting passed away last October 21, 2017 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Some time ago, Au Ting was interviewed for a ghost-themed edition of Post 41 (a local interest brochure put out by the Heritage of Mei Ho House youth hostel). You can read a bit about his early life and an incident he experienced whilst working at Sham Shui Po police station here: