Part print of an interesting photo | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Part print of an interesting photo

Part print of an interesting photo

According to the notice, this gentleman was arrected on 26th, July 1903 at Caine road. 

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, July 27, 1903


Hi there, That note appeared to be the actual sentence of the convicted. It was written in Traditional Chinese, top down, right to left. Some of the words are blurred, but the first line read 香港巡理府, which should be the Chinese translation of the 'Chief Magistrate's Court' . You might need a Chinese literature scholar to have the 'Sentence' translated properly. The word 施, in my opinion, could mean 'Execute', which has to be used together with 香港巡理府. There might not be a direct translation as always, but could be roughly be translated to 'By the order of the Chief Magistrate's Court'. The rest of the passage would seem to a description of the crime/mishap, where was he caught, as well as the actual sentence of being locked up there for a certain period of time on display as the punishment. My 2 cents, T