The Beatles arrive at Kai Tak - 1964 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

The Beatles arrive at Kai Tak - 1964

The Beatles arrive at Kai Tak - 1964

Well - three of them - Ringo was in still  hospital back in the UK.

Doesn't seem like 50 years ago.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, June 9, 1964


June 1964. Not in photo but Jimmie Nicol replaced Ringo on part of the world tour and on the Hong Kong leg.

I went to school(secondary school) with both George and Paul(till about 1960/61)-both a little older than myself.John and Paul were both 'evicted' from my home/house in S.Liverpool one early morning(3am) by my dear mum(making too much noise playing cards,windows open etc.,in mid summer circa 1960/61):my elder brother had a regular weekly' card school' in those days....all the Beatles ,in fact,came from South Liverpool(ie.south of City centre as far as Speke Airport).Two ,John and Paul,were the closest to my then home. I did not have any musical left UK in the mid 60s,and joined the HK Govt.

I am a history research student in the University of Hong Kong.I am currently also preparing a research project about the youth cultures in Hong Kong in the sixties, in which the Beatles visit to Hong Kong will be a central part of my research. As a result, I am also looking for materials and people that is related to the Beatles visit to Hong Kong in 1964. Do you have any materials related to that event or do you happen to know anyone that was related to or took part in the event?It would be very valuable for my research and I would be very grateful. Thank you very much for your attention.