1940s Coastal Pillbox | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1940s Coastal Pillbox

1940s Coastal Pillbox
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1940


This looks different from the pillboxes we've seen. Instead of the loophole with two steel doors opening sideways, the window here has a single steel plate that looks as though it hinges on the bottom. The plate opens out and down to rest on the concrete supports in front of it.

Maybe it is one of the bunkers around Hong Kong?

Regards, David

I asked Rob if he knew anything about this photo. He replied:

I've seen the picture somewhere else, but can't remember where. It was similarly labeled as a PB, but I don't believe it is. I've seen similar bottom-hinged opening shutters on other case mates of British Army construction in other parts of their possessions. They are usually for some type of heavier weapons than machine guns.

This one appears to be in HK, from not only the pebble facing, but also the men entering. The photo of PB 14 and it's LL shelter, a pre war PR photo which enabled me to identify its position, had a very similar format with the men in full regalia entering the "PB". Pretty scratchy evidence I admit.

The Interim Defence Plan shows two positions for a 2pdr gun, one at Repulse Bay, the other at Rocky Bay, on the coastline behind the Sheko golf course. It is still there, and bears a slight resemblance to the picture, although not buried, and the entrance is from the side. It had a long bottom hinged shutter, but no support below it. Again, pretty scratchy.

Hopefully another view of the building will surface at some point, and show us its location.

Regards, David