Hong Kong, street scene | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Hong Kong, street scene

Hong Kong, street scene

View the original, larger copy of this image at the UWM website: http://collections.lib.uwm.edu/u?/agsphoto,4936

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1940


This photo was taken at the junction of Wellington Street, Pottinger Street and Lyndhurst Street, looking east towards D'Aguilar Street. There were several signs 建民漢文日校 *Kin Man Chinese Day School, 建民中文學校 *Kin Man Chinese School and a vertical cloth banner (text mirrored) "建民學校秋季始業招?班?Kin Man School autumn enrollment... class..."  behind the sign of 華僑攝影院 *Wah Kiu Studio. The address of Kin Man School was 62 Wellington Street.