Squatters huts, 1969 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Squatters huts, 1969

Squatters huts, 1969
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, October 1, 1969


Thanks Doug. Any idea where the photo was taken?

Regards, David

Unfortunately, no idea where this was taken-I thought it might have been close to your Mt Davis photo

I don't recognise the other buildings as somewhere around Mount Davis - hopefully another reader can spot where it was taken.

Regards, David

Hi there, I suspect it is further south than Mount Davis. There are still many such traces of squatters along the south-western coastline of Hong Kong Island despite some no longer exist after heavy redevelopment of public housing estates. Thanks & Best Regards, T

Most likely these are located on the island called Chiang  Chou if not Sai Kung in the New Territories....smiley

Juliana Cheng