IMG_20150609_0004.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong



The notation was written by my father Benjamin Randall so it probable that he took the photo. The plane shown could have been the Curtiss Jenny or Criole fllown by Harry Abblott who started a flying school at the beginning of 1925 before Kai Tak Airport was named. I stand to be corrected.


There is a good article on the Abbott School of Aviation in 'Wings over Hong Kong' - An Aviation History 1891-1998. January 24, 1925 was the opening day of the Abbott School of Aviation. Unfortunately, a parachute accident occurred on the day of the flying demonstration. The flying field on the Kowloon City Reclamation known today as Kai Tak had yet to become into prominence. Further information here The papers of the day suggests that the plane was a Curtiss Jenny.

Thank you for the response and information which is most interesting. You are another aviation enthusiast on Gwulo! I shared a lot in common with Mr. Claude Earnshaw although a genenration later ie. visited frequently the Victoria Recreation Club and the Kowloon Cricket Club. Even used the same air space at Kai Tak when in the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force.