Robert Cunningham HKP sailed on the MV Agapenor in the 1940s either to or from Hong Kong.

Submitted by Marion Allan
- Robert Cunningham HKP sailed on the MV Agapenor in the 1940s either to or from Hong Kong. shows Person Robert CUNNINGHAM (aka Bert) [1900-1977]
Robert Cunningham
Ex London per Yoshino Maru 18.3.1922 (first appointment)
Arrive London 5.1.1927 per Karmala
Arrive London 13.4.1933 per Corfu
Ex So'ton 4.3.1947 per Strathmore
Arrive Liverpool 17.2.1949 per Agapenor,with Donella, to Perth,Scotland
Robert & Donella Cunningham
On board ship returning to Hong Kong some time after their marriage in Scotland in 1946, Robert & Donella Cunningham became friendly with a Mr & Mrs Priestley. The Priestleys were also returning to Hong Kong to make a fresh start after having lost everything there during the war years. Mr Priestley was the brother of the well known writer, J.B. Priestley.