Des Voeux Road West - 3 (Hong Kong), 1980 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Des Voeux Road West - 3 (Hong Kong), 1980

Des Voeux Road West - 3 (Hong Kong), 1980

Image caption on Flickr: The tramcar is working eastward in Des Voeux Road West, at Queen Street.

Comment: cav_hk .The tramcar should be heading westwards towards Kennedy Town. The building on the left side of photo was knocked down about 1 year ago for redevelopment and the building on the left side has turned into a multistory commercial building. One thing has not changed is the man with the push trolleys ferrying the dried goods on this road.

I think the comment is correct. The photo was taken from the tram heading west, but looking in the oppsite direction (east). The "Do not enter" sign should be at the junction of Bonham Stand West. Queen Street should be left in the road's bend.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, July 14, 1980