H M T Nevasa | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

H M T Nevasa

H M T Nevasa
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, August 1, 1962


This photo is from my just remembered box of old colour slides [Andrew Sudderbys uploaded photo of this troopship jogged my memory] Taken in summer of 1962-Southampton Docks- Dock 101 l was en route to a holiday on Isle of Wight arriving at Southampton Ferry point there it was, Nevasa, the Troopship that transported me to Hong Kong in 1957.

My berthing card and ports the Nevasa docked at during the outward bound journey to Hong Kong.

Berthing card—Ports of call—Nevasa photo. 1957
Berthing card—Ports of call—Nevasa photo. 1957, by Bryan Panter