Hong Kong Photo Album-1957-58 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Hong Kong Photo Album-1957-58

Hong Kong Photo Album-1957-58
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1958


This is the inside cover of my album-suspect the written Cantonese characters say -Hong Kong -but cannot remember. Hopefully the tickets/coins etc. are of interest to Oldtimer(Peter) and others.

Thank you Bryan.  On the right, the Chinese characters read "Hong Kong", on the left it reads "China".  The coin on the left is "Hong Kong one ho", ho in Cantonese is ten cents which is barely legible in English on the lower left edge.  In 1950s, three of these coins could buy a small bowl of wonton and noodle soup at a roadside/back lane stand.  These bus tickets, as do your other photos, bring back memories of my Hong Kong years.  Regards,  Peter

Nice collage! I've updated the photo with the sharper copy you uploaded.