Flagship HMS Belfast enters harbour. | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Flagship HMS Belfast enters harbour.

Flagship HMS Belfast enters harbour.

I'm aftaid that this is not a very high resolution image as it was cropped from a much larger one that included a lot of water.  In 2018, the Belfast was 80 years old. In the very early part of the war she nearly sank when a magnetic mine exploded beneath her keel.  It was touch and go whether it was worth repairing her broken back but luckily that did happen and after a year or two she re-entered service.  She is the last surviving Royal Naval ship to have taken part in the D Day Landings and she had several commissions in the Far East, including during the Korean War.  She is now part of the Imperial War Museum and is afloat on the Thames in London, almost opposite the Tower of London.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Monday, January 1, 1945