Andrew Chan with 315th Flying Tigers(?) Chindits(?)

Submitted by Petit Prince
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1942
- Andrew Chan with 315th Flying Tigers(?) Chindits(?) shows Person Andrew CHAN (aka CHAN Kwong Kee, Andrew Chanduloy) [1914-1983]
Anyone you recognise?
I have had this photo for years, but have not been able to put any name to the faces (except for my Uncle's (Clark Gable on left second row with moustache). Neither can Ms Eluzabeth Ride. Can anyone help? So that I can date the photo as well?
Thank you all
315th Depot Supply Squadron OR 315th Air Service Group
I can't identify anyone in the photograph, but the 315th unit flag on the wall behind them could be for one of two units:
The 315th Depot Supply Squadron, based in Kunming as of May 1945 (part of the 301st Air Depot Group of the 14th Air Force)
The 315th Air Service Group, based in Hsingching as of May 1945 (also 14th Air Force)
--Steve Bailey
Uncle Andrew with 14th Air Force
Dating the photograph
Scholar/researcher, specializing in the air war over Hong Kong.
The 315th Depot Supply Squadron apparently arrived in Kunming via the Burma Road in May 1945 (advance elements may have flown in earlier than this, perhaps as early as February) and may have been there until as late as October 1945, when the 301st Air Depot Group (the parent unit) moved to Shanghai until March 1946. It seems likely that the photo is from 1945 in Kunming, though I suppose it could be 1946 in Shanghai!
Uncle Andrew photo
Hi Steve, I don't envy you and your research - you have so much to trawl thru, and the myriad of leads that can be as rewarding as they are frustrating.
'Lucky' me - I just keep my nose on the few trails that I can find and often have to wipe the cowshit off. But then I do come across truly interesting and rewarding stuff, from friends like yourself, Ms Elizabeth Ride, and a few others who are knowledgeable, who put me on scent.
i believe it is in Kweilin because the time fits in with Uncle Andrew's return from Burma, when he married Aunt Josephine (wife of Lui Kar Yin agent #68 MIA)and cousin Mabel (Lui's daughter) and rejoined the BAAG trek to Kweilin. Uncle Andrew didn't go to Shanghai.
Thank you for your kind info. Hope I can take this quest further some day.
Andrew Chan
Hi Steve,
I've trawled the web best I could, but couldn't find any new info regarding the 315 Depot Supply Squandron or the 301st Air Depot Group in Kunming. I tried googling the Flying Tigers too. Got lots of interesting stuff, but nothing touching on my Uncle's group in the photo.
I would if your knowledge and expertise in research can direct me to a happy direction in my search.
I thank you for any advice you can give me.
Felix Chanduloy
69th DRS Association
Hi Felix --
You might try contacting the folks at the 69th DRS (Depot Repair Squadron) Association: It's possible they might be able to help you, since the 69th DRS was a sister unit of the 315th Depot Supply Squadron, and both were in the 301st Air Depot Group headquartered in Kunming.
The organization of the 301st looked like this, by the way:
301st Air Depot Group
As you are discovering, very little has been written about rear-area support units in China!
Andrew Chan
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your suggestion. I will follow ASAP.
There is indeed not much archival material about the support units. The USAAF and Flying Tigers info on the net take a different direction.
You are very kind.
Felix Chanduloy.