I remember the picture of Brigitte Bardot (made up of several cuttings from a British newspaper) being stuck on the door of room 55 in early1958. How it survived the weekly inspections for at least two years is a puzzle. Maybe the Commanding Officer appreciated it as much as the airmen! (Andrew S)
Little Sai Wan d.

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Saturday, October 1, 1960
Nice One
Nice representation. A photo for comparison.
A great comparison Moddsey!
A great comparison Moddsey! When I saw David's photograph, it did strike me that the image on the door had been touched up a bit - especially the face. The original that you have posted is more as I remember the picture when my friends stuck it on the door. When the guys in that room woke up it must have been great to see the beauty of the day 'standing' in their doorway. Apart from the Commanding Officer's opinion, I wonder what the amahs made of it. Andrew