Cargo liner | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cargo liner

Cargo liner

Taken from the small bay and beach below Lyemun camp, the vessel was approaching the narrow Lyemun strait.  Can anyone identify the ship? (Andrew S)

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, August 1, 1951


Looks like a Japanese vessel – zooming in I can just make out three characters on the bows. I have compared profiles from my 1977 Talbot-Booth’s Merchant Ships with pictures posted on the net. I also searched the American WW2 Japanese Merchant Ships Recognition Manual ONI 208 – J (a useful reference). Several similar ships but I could not find an identical match to the vessel in the photo.



Suggest this ship is wearing the colours of the Tokyo Sempaku K.K., which operated between Japan and Indonesia.  The layout matches the KYOTO MARU of that company.