Taken from boat, Tsing Yi Island South 1978-79 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Taken from boat, Tsing Yi Island South 1978-79

Taken from boat, Tsing Yi Island South 1978-79


The Tsing Yi power station in the image's title is actually hidden behind the Chinese freighter on the left.

The power station’s chimneys can be seen beyond the ship’s deck-furniture.

The buildings on the shoreline are probably those of DOW Chemicals one of the first industrial companies to settle on south Tsing Yi.

The main building was reputably the first in HK whereby the large-area flat roof was constructed on the ground and then jacked up and the supporting walls built under it.

The Coliseum stadium adjacent to Hung Hom KCR terminus was constructed on similar principles.

A bit of context for the photo: my partner's father was in the Army and stationed in Hong Kong during the construction of the Prince of Wales building in 1978,  staying  on Stonecutter's Island, as well as the Peak and Wardhaven. My partner would spend his summers holidays there.

Recently his father found an school geography project of Hong Kong belonging to my partner dating from about 1980 (he would have been 11-12)  which included a handful of photos taken by him as a child and postcards sent to his boarding school. He can't remember exactly where it was taken, but after your observation, it's highly likely it was taken from Stonecutters. Thanks for your reply!