Barbara Anslow...MGC&Jill Fell..Gwulo_..RASHKB 2019.JPG | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Barbara Anslow...MGC&Jill Fell..Gwulo_..RASHKB 2019.JPG

Barbara Anslow...MGC&Jill Fell..Gwulo_..RASHKB 2019.JPG

Very sad news has reached me,that Barbara passed away this morning at her home in Essex.

A wonderful lady,I'm glad that I was able to hear her speak and get my book signed in london.

I will always remember how kind she was inviting myself and Martin Labrum to her home for lunch many years ago.




Yes, very sad to hear. Although I never met her personally, I did read her stories, diaries and snippets of old Hong Kong with keen interest. Barbara had a fantastic memory. May she rest in peace.

Very sad to hear this. Many condolences to her family and friends.

A lovely lady, and always generous in sharing her knowledge with anyone interested in Stanley Camp. She'll be missed by many people.

Indeed Barbara will be missed. It’s difficult to believe that she wasn’t going to go on forever. Scores of people, including me, have beaten a path to her door to hear her detailed memories of their relatives while in Stanley. Twice she came to London to lecture after her 100th birthday and did so with supreme aplomb. All credit to David too for serialising her diaries and publicising her book. Being able to contribute her knowledge to Gwulo and reading the other contributions gave her a lot of enjoyment.