List of people | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Familysort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Vera Joan Armstrong / Dalziel Thwaites 1905 1985 Female
Dora Armstrong / Glanville Humphreys 1887 1962 Female
Thomas Arnold 1844 1906 Male
John Arnold 1880 Male
Herbert Louis N Ascough 1897 1981 Male
Ron Ashby 1911 1998 Male
Ashby Female
Frank Richard Ashton 1901 1992 Male
Ruth Emily Ashton-Hill Audsley 1895 1989 Female
Elizabeth Marie Aslett Osborne 1893 Female
Betty Elizabeth Aslett 1923 Female
F C Atkinson Male
Paul Atroshenko 1937 Male
John Ivan Atroshenko Male
Tonia Atroshenko Female
Viacheslav Atroshenko 1936 Male
BAAG No. 1069 (?) Ping-wah Au Unknown
BAAG No. 2 / 歐輝 Fai Au 1910 Unknown
Au Fai, Au Yin Fei Male
George William Avenell 1880 1927 Male
Avis Thompson Unknown
William Edmund Awcock 1896 1969 Male
Alison Ayres Ayres 1961 Female
Ellen Louisa Ayrton McClatchie 1855 Female
Phyllis Alsager Ayrton 1884 1975 Female
