List of people | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Familysort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
A. Brailsford Male
Charles Joseph Braine 1814 1890 Male
George Thomas Braine 1807 1888 Male
Grazeiella Howard Braithwaite 1901 Female
Emile J. Brandt 1865 1898 Male
David Vladimirovich Brasilevsky 1887 1946 Male
Edward Davidovich Brasilevsky 1918 1997 Male
Arthur Nathaniel Braudé 1902 1969 Male
Irene Maude Selina Braudé Deacon 1913 2010 Female
Patricia Irene Braudé - Vodvarka Braudé 1940 2006 Female
Denis Bray 1926 2005 Male
Marjorie Elizabeth Bray Bottomley Female
Arthur Henry Bray Male
Thomas Brayfield 1879 1960 Male
Dorothy Brazier 1889 1950 Female
John Alexander Bremner 1942 Male
Alexander Andrew Bremner 1910 Male
M B S Bremner 1910 Female
Alexander George Brenchley 1892 1966 Male
Laura Frances Brereton 1854 1871 Female
William Henry Brereton 1824 1887 Male
Vera Nellie Brett 1901 1985 Female
William Thomas Bridges 1820 1894 Male
Norman H. Briggs 1905 1993 Male
Janet Broadbridge 1918 1995 Female
