Photo courtesy of reader Moddsey.
KMB bus tickets, 1950s
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Submitted by Admin
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, January 1, 1950
- KMB bus tickets, 1950s shows Place The Monument (1st location) [1908-c.1959]
Bus Tickets
How did these tickets work?
Stephen, thanks for your comments today. Please can you remember how the tickets were used?
When I first saw them I assumed the ticket showed one route, and would be punched to mark where you got on. But that would be quite a route if it visited all those places!
And what does 'The Monument' refer to?
Regards, MrB
Bus Tickets
I have 18 Kowloon Motor Bus Co tickets only 2 of which are like those on your site. They are for 19 destinations in 10 sectors, see the dark lines. The majority of mine are for 10 destinations. There are no date / time stamps merely a punch hole. Read the small print at the bottom and you will see that you had to have a ticket punched for your destination. So I assume (cannot remember ) that the conductor would know from the serial number that the ticket was a recent issue and not an old ticket offered a second time. Also the stamp would be for a destination on the bus route which had yet to be reached. Not much more complicated than that. They are all for 10 cents and mine are punched for journeys in both directions, - not punched twice, the same version was used for all journeys. So I have identical tickets punched for the Star Ferry (which I would have purchased on boarding in Kowloon City) and also for Kowloon City.
As for the Monument, I have no real memory, but feel it was a building on/off Nathan road. I will ask my sister and some HK friends I have from the 1950's.
Stephen Roberts
The Monument
Bus tickets
Bus Tickets
During the years I used the bus, there was only one class although they might have intended to have two (upper level for first class?).
The bus conductor sold tickets by walking back and forth half-waving and clicking his hand-held hole puncher which was a signal to those who just climbed aboard. It cost ten cents but on some routes, I paid twenty cents to ride a further distance. However, each of the bus routes (16 in the 1950s) had only one terminal destination. So after leaving the Star Ferry terminal, the No. 2 conductor would punch a hole on "Sham Shui Po" (Lai Chi Kok Rd and Yum Chu St) which was its destination. There were no bus-transfer benefit so one had to buy a new ticket when changing bus.
Occasionally, an inspector would come onboard to ensure everyone had a valid ticket. On early morning, he woke up a man sleeping who for the next two minutes tried but could not find his ticket. It was mixed with his over-hundred out-dated tickets he had collected over months. The conductor let the guy off. I thought it was funny.
Bus Tickets
In 1933 when bus services were granted to CMB and KMB under tender of franchise, first and second class compartments were required on buses. This was in keeping with other modes of transport that existed at the time e.g. trams, ferries and railway. Social inequality and class division was still prevalent.
On buses, the front two rows with upholstered seats were designated as first class with second/third class seating behind with wooden longitudinal slat type seats. This system remained in force until the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong.
By 1949, all urban routes were charging 20 cents with KMB charging 10 cents for sectional fares.
After WWII, although the class differentiation system was discontinued, it was not, however legally abolished through a review of the bus franchise. Therefore, the bus companies continued to issue second class tickets on all routes even though a single fare was charged. In 1960, the two class seating arrangement through amendment of the franchise was legally done away with.
Bus tickets
Thanks to oldtimer for the extra memories, and moddsey for finding out about the classes. All clear now,
Bus Tickets
"The conductor let the guy off." I meant to say the conductor let the guy continue to ride the bus (not kicked off).
Bus Tickets
Bus/Ferry Tickets
HYF harbour services
Hi there,
I remember when I was in my teens (the 1970's) we could roam the upper and lower deck of the HYF harbour routes. They even have a tuck shop on the lower deck for snacks, instant noodels and hot/chilled beverages.
HYF lines to the out-lying islands introduced the air-conditioned deck after the triple deckers were in service and they were charging a premium on weekends and holidays.
Best Regards,
Ling Ding Is/Lai Chi Kwok Bay
I lost track of where Moddsey mentioned the HK library site so here may be the next best to recall the good old days. In the library under photos, there is one showing "the present Mei Foo Sun Chuen locates on oil depot" which appears to have been printed in reverse.
On right of that photo (turning north after coming out of the bay) is I believe the tiny, low-lying and rocky Ling Ding island. In the 50s I paddled there in my rental boat (30 cents) and looked for clams. It sat, on today's map, near the circle drive between Container Port Road South and Tsing Kwai Hwy. Lack of courage prevented further adventure to to next bigger island (Nam Wan) which looked totally in its natural state.
when ticket collectors were still in vogue, as a 2 foot 6 midget who looked the other way - literally half the time never paid - then they invented the coin collectors.....
To the Monument
1950s Kowloon Star Ferry. Take Bus No. 10 to the Monument.
bus tickets
Do these old HK bus tickets worth anything as collectibles? I have a set numbered from 0000 to 9999 !
Old Bus Tickets
Yes, people do buy & sell them on ebay. I bought 2 supposedly old tram tickets that way but they look like fake repro. Too new looking.
Bonjour bus tickets and tramway
do you have a web site for diferents tickets bus and tramway ?
bus / tram tickets
Hello Yann,
We don't have anything like that here. You could try Joseph's website for information about Hong Kong trams. I see he has some photos of old tram tickets in his Flickr account.
Regards, David
tram tickets
Hello Yann, I'm Joseph, the editor of tram blog that David introduced. Please feel free to visit my blog page and welcome for comments, I do have some tram tickets which are rarely found in the market. The fun on research and sharing is enjoyable.
Regards, Joseph