1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos

1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos


Hi David,

Better check with Phil for this.  He is more familiar with that area.  The more I look at it the island looks like Ngau Mei Chau, just off Silverstrand Bay.  But I am uncertain even the view from Google Earth seemed to match.

Best Regards,


Well, I'm no expert either but I reckon T is right. Ngau Mei Chau (aka Shelter Island).

Hi there,

If it is Ngau Mei Chau, then my speculation of the site of the former Sai Kung Camp/Barrack is not too far off the exact location.

Best Regards,


Hi T,

Yes, it is Ngau Mei Chau, look at the extreme right edge of the photo, you will see a headland that looks like a pc mouse - that is Ngan Tau Sha at Siu Chung Lam.