Uprooted trees on Nathan Road - 1923 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Uprooted trees on Nathan Road - 1923

Uprooted trees on Nathan Road - 1923
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, September 18, 1923
  • Uprooted trees on Nathan Road - 1923 shows Event 1923 Typhoon


Hong Kong Daily Press 20 August 1923

This would be the typhoon of 18 August 1923. I guess the location is Nathan Road opposite St. Andrew's Church on the left hand side of the road northbound.

The wall is still in situ and up the slope is Whitfield Barracks.


Same place?

Nathan road, year 1975

Probably Yes, from following the newspaper record of events. Looks like due to traffic the benches had been re-sited onto the pavement.

Were men allowed to sit on the bench by the 1970s? On the 20s photo above, the bench has a notice printed on it:

"Women and children only"