1960s Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1960s Hong Kong

1960s Hong Kong

Received by email

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hi there,

From the company logo of the bus this should be somewhere in Lantau Island.  I can't tell where was the photo taken, however.

Best Regards,


I have seen the same photo in the Tai O Rural Committee Museum. Its location on Lantau is given. I, too have forgotten the exact location.

I'd guess this is at the highest point of Keung Shan Road, which is where it used to stop... the passengers in the photo will have walked up the hill from Tai O to get on board.

In the book - Tai O -Love Stories of the Fishing Village by Wong Wai King

This picture of the bus has the following caption

"In the 1960's the Tai O Road was not yet constructed - Tourists needed to leave vehicles at Keung Shan and hike to Tai O -This photo shows the car park at Keung Shan"

Thanks to Pete & Shyama for the help.