1950s Fred Evans' photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1950s Fred Evans' photos

1950s Fred Evans' photos
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, October 1, 1959


I saild to Hong Kong on that troop ship it was its last voyage. We reterned home to England on The Nevasa My Farther was in th R.A and was stationd in Whitfield Barracks are married Quaters were in Kowloon Tong. My Farthers name was Sgt Jack PARKER.

Hi Hilary,

Thanks for writing. We've got a few photos of Whitfield Barracks at:


Do you remember the address of the married quarters? We might have some photos of them too.

If you have any photos from your time in Hong Kong, we'd love to see them. Here's how to upload a photo:


Regards, David

Hi Hilary

I sailed back to the UK after NS on the Fowey in 1954.
