1970s Hong Kong Air Helicopter over Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1970s Hong Kong Air Helicopter over Hong Kong

1970s Hong Kong Air Helicopter over Hong Kong
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1971


Looks like a Bell 212 with float, registeration is VR-HGL

Yes, it is a Bell 212. I seem to recall that Hong Kong Air had helicopters with skids as well.

Hong Kong Air Helicopters mural believed to be taken at Harcourt Road.

1970s Hong Kong Air Helicopters

I used to have a model of that very Bell 212 ... 

There's a 3rd panel to the mural which still exists & is in Spain.  At some point I'll try and get a photo of it and upload it.

Did you take the photo of the mural & did you have any links with Hong Kong Air International or know any of the people involved?

Reason for asking is that Maurice Holloway was my father.

Was given the scan of the mural. Sorry no links with Hong Kong Air International. Cheers!