The three children of Ron Brooks, Deputy Chief Officer of the HK Fire Brigade, regularly attended the horse riding school in the early 1950s. It is presumed the schol, run by Tito Xavier, was near hills in Pok Fu Lam - but this is only a guess. Hopefully someone may know from the photos where the place was, as it appears to no longer exist as a horse-riding school.
Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 2
Primary tabs

Submitted by Suziepie
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1953
- Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 2 shows Place RIDING SCHOOL - PEAK [????- ]
- Brooks children at Horse Riding School 1953c Photo # 2 shows Place Horse Riding School near Shouson Hill & PG Farm [????-????]