"Private lives" by Noel Coward ((see 21st for details))
Death of Thomas Donaldson (72) Master Mariner
"Private lives" by Noel Coward ((see 21st for details))
Death of Thomas Donaldson (72) Master Mariner
201 admissions to Tweed Bay Hospital ((This may well be a summary of the total number of admissions to the Hospital during the month.))
Repatriation circular
(1) children separ. from parents
(2) Sick
(3) Over 70
(4) Wom with child under 15;
(5) Women
No concert.
A.T. Lay played “Madame Butterfly” (First act) piano
Variety (p. Dean Smith; asst. by DG Wilson, Betty Drown, Tom Concannon)
Goldie flake ((sp?)) (E. Grant ((sp?)), C. Schik ((sp?)), V. Garton)
“Grand Chan's Diamond” (Eric Curtis, K. Gray, E. Tomlin, A. Brenchley, W.H.E. Colledge)
((Shows – see 11th Nov for details))
700 British repatriates + 8 Canadians announced