Battery Path | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Battery Path

Battery Path

View the original, larger copy of this image at the UWM website:

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1941


Dear Moddsey,


I see that you have quite a lot of photos about sedan chairs. Are you a frequent user of sedan chairs? Do you have more photos of them?  If i want to use them , how should i credit them?


Thank you!

The author of the photo is clearly listed. 

Okay. Can i use them though? Any credits to be written? 

The author/originator of the photo is clearly shown!

Hi mxmmxm,

Moddsey isn't the owner, the photo belongs to UWM. Please click the UWM link above to see their page for the photo, and their details of how to use it, credits, etc.

I recommend you follow the steps at if you'd like to get in touch with other contributors.

Regards, David