A familiar view. The bus appears to be a British 'Tilling-Stevens' with centre access for passengers. The curved flash on the body is unusual. The yard opposite has a tower structure that look like it is a fire brigade hose drying tower. The fire brigade building is bottom right and still there today as a 'Shanghai Tang' shop complete with some fire brigade implents on display showing its heritage.
KCR terminus-1938
Primary tabs

Submitted by IDJ
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, June 15, 1938
- KCR terminus-1938 shows Place KCR Terminus, TST [1916-1978]
- KCR terminus-1938 shows Place Alex. Ross & Co. garage / TST Post Office (3rd location) [c.1929-????]
- KCR terminus-1938 shows Place Former Kowloon / Terminus Firestation [1920- ]
- KCR terminus-1938 shows Place Fire Brigade's drill and hose drying tower, TST [1923-????]