Coronation 1953 decorations Kowloon City | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Coronation 1953 decorations Kowloon City

Coronation 1953 decorations Kowloon City
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1953


The dome and buildings of La Salle College can be viewed on the rhs. This is the first photo I have seen of a Coronation Arch in Kowloon City! The rest have always been at the junctions of Nathan Road with Gascoigne Rd and Argyll St.

This was my local arch, I lived in Argyle Street.  My best friend at the time lived at 162 Nga Tsuin Wai Rd at the top of  the road to the right and behind the arch.

This is a wonderful photo.  I perform reserach into La Salle College (the building with the dome on the right), and I would like to see if I can obtain a higher resolution of this photo for the school's archives.  I wonder if the poster, stephenroberts, can get in touch?

Please contact me thorugh the La Salle College Old Boys' Association Administrator at 2336-2985.

Thank you.